Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Quick Update!

Maybe you remember my list of resolutions back in January? Well, I've decided to add to the list! I'm also keeping track of my progress. I've realized that some of these objectives are going to be a lot more difficult than I thought, while at the same time I'm constantly creating a mental list of new goals I want to accomplish. So, if you want to follow along, check out the list to the right! I'll update it and add to it whenever I get the chance.

Also, I know some of you get tired of checking in only to find that I still haven't posted anything new. So, to make your lives a little bit easier, I've added the "Subscribe by Email" option on the right side. If you enter your email, it will send you a message every time I update. Hope it helps!
Now, I realized that I've been putting up lots of pictures of the things I go and see, but not a whole lot of the everyday life at my site. So here is a glimpse:

When you walk out of my apartment (which I'll show you next time!) you walk down some stairs, then up some stairs, and you come to National Highway. If you turn left, this is what you see:

The nearest brown building is the post office, and in the distance you can barely make out the Barangay fountain, which is our landmark. The sidewalks are a blessing and a curse. They protect us from insane drivers, but it is also where all of the dogs prefer to do their business. People here refer to them as "submarines."

Looking to the right, you will see:

A simple row of houses built along the highway. The mountain rises to the left and drops to the right. That doesn't keep people from building though! Just around the bend is the path going down to the high school, and the greed roof you see in the distance is the elementary school.

1 comment:

  1. I love the list on the right! What an awesome idea! I can't wait to see you this weekend- in fact, im gonna text you right now! ready to mark off "climb to the peak of mt pulog?!?"
