Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Malaria Dreams

Peace Corps requires all volunteers to take Chloroquine which is a malaria prophylaxis. While the presence of Malaria is scarce in most of the Philippines, I found out that it is endemic in Mountain Province. The neon pink tablets are taken once a week, so for us that’s malaria-Monday…usually followed by Traumatic Tuesday, due to the side effect of vivid and sometimes horrific dreams. Not something I’m particularly excited about for the next 2 years, but it makes for some interesting stories. Though for us here in La Trinidad, Dengue is much more present and common. I’ve been careful to avoid mosquitoes as one of our fellow trainees already caught dengue fever. There are usually outbreaks after heavy rain showers. And speaking of rain…

This picture doesn't even begin to do it justice.

Yes it has been absolutely insane since last Friday when Typhoon Mina hit Benguet. Furious winds and endless downpoors lasted for over three days while the town seemed to slow to a crawl. The roads flooded and the house leaked. However, the worst news came when the dump site in Baguio collapsed causing a landslide of trash that buried several houses and killed 10 people.

Siakon, or "I will be the one"-
a common phrase here said when
someone is offering to
do a task ("I'll do it!")
Even now, the rain continues as the typhoon seems to have transitioned into a monsoon. I’ve never seen this much rain before. Yes, we have monsoons in AZ, but those you can just wait 45 seconds until they’re over and step back outside. Anyway, life here has become pretty much normal. We've decided to make cluster t-shirts featuring our Ilokano teacher (see pic). I’ve been plowing away at language, and we have a community project we are completing this week. Our goal is to set up a community workshop on proper waste management and segregation followed by an activity where the students can paint trash barrels to be placed around the community. So tomorrow I will be following up a visit to the mayor’s office and meeting with the barangay (sort of like a neighborhood gov’t) captains. 

I hope all of you are doing well back at home. I’ve heard the US is getting some pretty crazy weather too. Also, I’d like to know who is reading my blog! So drop a comment or shoot me an email. Maybe you’ll get a postcard…

1 comment:

  1. I log on once a week to read your blog! I expect a postcard now! :P

    I'll have to send you my new address though.
