Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 I moved into my own place last week. It's actually attached to my host family's house, and so I got a really great deal because my host mom even offered to furnish it! It's a two room apartment on the second story of the house. There is a kitchen area and an enormous bedroom, with a veranda outside leading to the CR (bathroom). As you will see, it is much more than I expected to be living in as a Peace Corps Volunteer. Although, it still doesn't feel "lived-in" because I haven't been cooking.  I still go back to the house for meals, but starting next month I will be all on my own as far as food goes. So, let me give you the tour!

 Please take your shoes off. This is barefoot and flip-flops only territory.
The bright blue steel door. Sometimes I have trouble
getting in even when it's not locked.
 As you can see, my host mom provided me with a table and chairs, a bench and cabinet for my dining room! I have my thermos of hot water and mugs ready to serve coffee to any visitors who might stop by!

Looking in from the doorway.
 If you look to the right you will see my kitchen! Complete with hot pink water barrel for storing water, a stove and oven ( a rare commodity even if it doesn't work), and of course Shelly, the shellane gas tank. The door on right leads to the bedroom, and the other door heads outside to the veranda.

View from my bedroom door. Notice those lovely curtains, tied back in the Pinoy way. It took me HOURS to get the knot into the "flower" but don't tell my host mom that...

On my counter we have my basil, homemade fly traps,
and a sanity-saving radio.
And once again from the corner of the room...

Let's go into my room. As you can see, it's a little bare. I had so much extra space, I tied up a hammock in between the windows.

Looking to the right you will see my desk, and bunk bed.

From the far corner looking back. 

Let's go outside. The bathroom is this way...

Welcome to the Bathroom of Seven Luxuries!

1. Light enough to do your business 2. Toilet paper holder with toilet paper!
3. Shower head (even though it doesn't work)
4. Frog bathmat 5. Clog-free drainage
6. Extra water barrel with scum-free dipper
7.Toilet Seat
Well that's all. Thanks for visiting, come again!

The stairs leading down outside my front door.

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