Thursday, June 7, 2012

First Day of School

School started this week! After working long hours for over a week prepping the grounds and helping tile the computer room floor, we were finally ready for Monday morning. Let me just say, that being a teacher doesn't make the first day of school any less exciting. Watching the students getting nervous, excited to use their brand new school supplies - it started to get me excited also!

The staff!

This year, the Philippines began a K-12 program, adding 2 more years to the previous 10 year education system. "First Years" became "Grade 7" and with an all new curriculum, we are all curious to see how things will go this first year.

This year I am co-teaching two sections of Grade 7, two sections of "Second Year" and the one and only section of Seniors. I'm also co-facilitating the English Club, the school newspaper, and the all-new Achiever's League. The AL is our attempt at an Honor's Club to encourage students to maintain high grades, render service to the community, and develop their leadership skills.

Principal weloming the students at the flag ceremony.

Students on the first day.

In other news, the rainy season has started! For a while, I thought it never left. But the recent downpours have reminded me the difference in dry, drizzly season, and typhoon drenching wet season. Weather has gone from comfortably cool to damp and cold. The upside is we can let up a little on our careful preservation of water fom the summer. Coming from Arizona, I thought I knew how to preseve water. You know,  turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth and all that. But when you have a few gallons a day to get through washing dishes, clothes, cooking and bathing, you'll realize how to make a bucket water last longer than ever before.


  1. Wow I can't believe you're already starting your second year! Sometimes it seems like just last month we graduated. As for me, I'm just getting ready to go home. One more short week. Well enjoy your time and I'll write when I get home :)

  2. The first thought that came to my mind looking at the pictures was that they look just like any American kids, but then it hit me why - they're not wearing uniforms. Are uniforms not required in your school? That would be really odd if it wasn't.
